Rico Defila, Fürspr.

Senior researcher, deputy leader RG Id/Td
Attorney at law

Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity
(RG Id/Td)

_Dep. of Social Sciences | Social Transitions Research Group (STR) (as of 2022)
_Dep. of Environmental Sciences | Program Man-Society-Environment (MGU) (2014-2024)

Postal address:
University of Basel
Rheinsprung 24
CH-4051 Basel

+41 61 207 04 15


Research interests

  • Inter- and transdisciplinarity in research:
    Challenges and requirements; process design in projects and project groups; quality and evaluation; organisational development of institutions
  • Inter- and transdisciplinarity in teaching:
    Imparting competencies for inter- and transdisciplinary work; general propaedeutics of science (human and natural) (allgemeine Wissenschaftspropädeutik); curriculum development (higher education); quality and evaluation; institutionalisation in universities
  • Sustainability:
    Sustainable consumption


Professional experience

Research and Teaching:

Leading a research group; initiating, acquiring and leading research projects (7 projects with more than CHF 200’000 third-party funding; roughly 15 research projects with a smaller amount of third-party funding); managing research projects and project groups; designing and organising conferences and workshops; designing and delivering of courses and seminars (higher education and further training) (team teaching; Universities Bern, Lüneburg, Munich, and Bochum and on behalf of DFG, BMBF and other organisations)

Science management:

Management of an interdisciplinary university institute and its supervisory body (with representatives of the whole university); academic self government (strategic university planning, target/performance agreement, structural report procedures/appointment procedures, committee work); supervising the establishment and awarding of a scientific prize.


Consulting institutions, organisations and projects on questions about inter- and transdisciplinarity and curriculum development


Co-leading of an interdisciplinary university institute; personnel planning and personnel management