Invading the Remote? Microplastics in Seawater and Emperor Penguins from the Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
Clara Leistenschneider, 2024
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Dr. Gunnar Gerdts, Prof. Dr. Oliver Heiri, Prof. Dr. Bodil Bluhm
Ecological, behavioural and molecular aspects enabling invasive round goby translocation via boats
Karen Bussmann, 2022
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, PD Dr. Stefanie von Fumetti, Prof. Dr. Sigal Balshine, Prof. Dr. Oliver Heiri
Hydraulic burden and swimming behaviour of benthic fish in a vertical slot fish pass
Joschka Wiegleb, 2022
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Prof. Dr. Oliver Heiri, Prof. Dr. Jost Borcherding, Prof. Dr. Peter Huggenberger
Microplastics in the Rhine River – from the Swiss catchment towards the North Sea
Thomas Mani, 2019
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Prof. Dr. H. Segner
Non-native invasive goby species in Switzerland - Impacts and management
Anouk N'Guyen, 2016
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Dr. Philipp Hirsch
Fine sediment effects in trout - New insights from laboratory and field studies
Christian Michel, 2013
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm
Bewertung der Effekte von Aromatase-Inhibitoren und Lösungsmitteln mit Hilfe eines in vitro-Tests
Maria a Marca, 2011
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Dr. Karen Thorpe
Characterization of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearaleone: Effects on zebrafish development and reproduction
Patrick Schwartz, 2011
in cooperation with Dr. Thomas Bucheli (Forschungsanstalt Agroscope, CH)
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm
Field and laboratory approaches to assess “estrogen disruption” in the brown trout Salmo trutta
Oliver Körner, 2007
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm
Master theses
Noah, the Ark, and the Unkown
Riccardo Bentele
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. R. Weder, Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Microplastics pollution and animal swimming behaviour
Lucas Bergmann
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. J. Wiegleb
Microplastic ingestion among five demersal, bathydemersal and bathypelagic fish species from the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Kevin Leuenberger
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. G. Erni Cassola
Effects of luminaire shape, light level, and LED color temperature on nocturnal insect abundance
Sina Sohneg
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, PD Dr. J. Bolliger, WSL
Injuries, Emaciation, and Skin Conditions in Cetaceans of the Strait of Gibraltar. A qualitative health assessment.
Eva-Maria Hanninger
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
The interactive potential of native and inoculated microorganisms to support crop yield
Belinda Biesuz
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. S. Franz Bender, Agroscope
Microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract and gills of Antarctic fish (Pleuragramma antarcticum, Neopa-getopsis ionah and Notothenia rossii)
Lea Masserey
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Gabriel Erni Cassola
The Effectiveness of UV-C Light and water pumps at controlling cyanobacteria in Lemna minor duckweed farms cultivated with cattle slurry.
Luke Robinson
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Acoustic Biodiversity Monitoring: Effects of agroforestry on bird species diversity
Nick Luchsinger
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
From waste to resource – Analysing the theoretical potential of filter cake
Gideon Jungen
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Idenfification, quantification, and analysis of anthropogenic litter (AL) and large microplastic (L-MP) in the surroundings of three Swiss mountain lakes (Alpstein, AI)
Ruben Niebling
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Serena Abel
Microplastic in the River Rhine near Basel. Spatial Distribution and Diversity in River Shore Sediments
Tiffany Meyer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Hydraulic forces that preserved round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814) experience in a flow channel
Nandhakumar Govindasamy
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Age and trait variability of Dryas octopetala L. in a changing climate
Anita Feierabend
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, PD Dr. Ch. Rixen, WSL
Possible migration barrier for Neogobius melanostomus: Block ramps in a restored river section – Case Birs
David Andreas Scherrer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Philipp Hirsch
Fate of Nanoplastic Particles and Microplastic Fibers in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Stefan Frehland
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Denise Mitrano (EAWAG)
Microplastics in Swiss Agricultural Soils The Relevance of Mulch Foil and Digestate Fertilizer for Plastic Pollution
Andreas Kalberer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. em. Dr. DDr. h.c. C. Körner
Methylome wide association study of two mating season phenotypes in a wild Round Goby population
Vincent Somervill
Reviewer: Dr. I. Adrian-Kalchhauser, Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. W. Salzburger
(Zoological Institute)
Uptake and effects of Biodegradable Microplastics on the Freshwater Amphipod Gammarus fossarum
Sandrine Straub
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Feeding Habits of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Kleinhünigen Harbour, Basel
Nilgün Özdal
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. P. Hirsch
Mikroplastikeinträge in den Rhein: Analyse möglicher Herkünfte und Eintragspfade sowie von Massnahmen zu deren Verminderung
Monika Hübner
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Die Ernährungsweise der Schwarzmundgrundeln (Neogobius melanostomus) in Basel im Vergleich mit anderen Ökosystemen
Céline Mäder
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. P. Hirsch
Charakterisierung von Genen, die am Abbau von Schadstoffen in antarktischen Fischarten beteiligt sind. Nachweis des Cytochrom P450 1a Transkripts in antarktischen Fischarten und ein Vergleich der Expression in verschiedenen antarktischen Fischarten
Paolo Ferrara
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Anneli Strobel
Decrease of benthic macroinvertebrates caused by hydropower-induced water level fluctuations with potential effects on fish
Christina Geiger
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Philipp Hirsch
Flussrenaturierung nach dem Prinzip „Perlenkette“ – Ein vielversprechender Ansatz für den Mungnaukanal und den Grundbach?
Lisa Wilmsmeier
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Mikroplastikerhebung im Rhein – von der Schweizergrenze bis zum Meer
Thomas Mani
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Aufnahme und Effekte von Mikroplastik in Amphipoden
Pascal Blarer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm
Wasserstandschwankungen in Stauseen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Primärproduktion im Kontext der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Stauseebetrieb
Katharina Appoloni
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. Philipp Hirsch
Wirksamkeit von Wildtierschutz-Kampagnen bei Freeridern
Tanja Erzinger
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. M. Hunziker (WSL Birmensdorf)
Potential of Recreational Boating as a Distribution Vector for Invasive Gobies in Switzerland and Development of Recommendations for Action
Sylvie Flämig
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. P. Hirsch
Wie nachhaltig ist die Schafsömmerung im regionalen Naturpark Gantrisch?
Maya Bütikofer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, C. Scheidegger (FRG Parkwissen, Gantrisch), C. Werder (Alpe Beratung), Dr. M. Schneider (Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon)
Ecological effects of water level fluctuations in a hydropower reservoir
Sebastian Schillinger
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. H. Weigt, Dr. P. Hirsch
Bycatch or Targeted Fisheries? Artisanal Shark Fishing in Fiji
Kerstin Glaus
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. I. Adrian-Kalchhauser, Dr. J. Brunnschweiler (ETHZ), Prof. Dr. R. Weder
Sustainability assessment of mango production: A case study with small-scale growers in the Nilo Coelho irrigation project in Petrolina, northeast of Brazil
Renata Estevão Pollini
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. R. Juraske (ETHZ), Dr. F. Verones (ETHZ)
Potential economic impacts of invasive gobies on recreational angling and commercial fishing. The exemplary case of Lake Zurich
Anouk N'Guyen
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. P. Hirsch
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Goby Species Ponticola kessleri in Kleinhüningen and Birsfelden
Peter Mutzner
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. W. Salzburger (Zoological Institute), Dr. I. Adrian-Kalchhauser
Linking People and Rivers: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding pesticide use among farmers in Colombia
Mollie Chapman
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. J. Diaz (Programa de Ingenieria Sanitaria, Universidad de Boyocá, Tunja, Colombia)
Cytotoxic effects of mineral particles on fish gill cells in vitro
Simon Herzog
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. C. Capitani (Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography)
Quantifiable Effects of Chemicals on Life Cycle Parameters
Karla Schlie de Ramos
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. N. Schuwirth (Eawag)
Dezentrale Sanitärsysteme – Eine vergleichende Fallstudie von Pilotprojekten mit Stoffstromtrennung unter Einbezug von Hotelbauten
Priska Sacher
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. H. Gebauer (Eawag)
Die Sensibilität unterschiedlicher Mobilitätstypen für die Begünstigung von Verhaltensänderungen durch Kontextänderungen. Eine Untersuchung ausgewählter Gruppen am Beispiel der Bewertung des E-Bikes
Max Reichenbach
Reviewer:Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. S. Bruppacher
Untersuchung der Verbuschung von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen im Unteralptal vor dem Hintergrund der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Eine Analyse auf der Basis von Luftbilddaten 1967-2000
Tobias Fischer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. N. Kuhn (Physiogeographie und Umweltwandel)
An Integrative System Dynamics Model of Farmers' Fertilizing Behaviour with Special Focus on Phosphorus
Tina Skerlak
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. C. Binder (ETHZ and University of Graz, Austria)
Wahrnehmung energieeffizienter Gebäude durch Private und Darstellung in den Medien: Implikationen für eine Kommunikationsstrategie zur Verbreitungsförderung energieeffizienter Bauweise
Elvira Stürmer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. S. Bruppacher
Gear Avoidance Behavior, Personality, Growth, and Metabolic Rate in Guppies
Martin Wiech
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. M. Heino (University of Bergen, Norway)
Dynamics of fish (salmonid) habitat in running water courses of Alberta's forests: Impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbance
Nina Weiss
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. F. Krysiak
An Assessment of the Components of the Water Footprint of Swiss Paper Consumption
Marco Felicioni
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. H. Yang
Virtual Water in the Context of Alberta's Irrigation Districts: Assessing Water-Food-Trade Relationships at a Localized Level
Tara Hadler
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. A. J. B. Zehnder (Alberta Water Research Institute, Canada)
Effects of turbidity on individual and schooling performance of three strains of salmonids (Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo trutta)
Barbara Berli
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. K. Tierney (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Die Pilotwalpopulation in der Strasse von Gibraltar 1999 bis 2009: Zustand, Veränderungen und deren Ursachen
Angela Solothurnmann
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. J. Holm (University of Applied Sciences, Bern)
Das Entscheidungsverhalten von Einfamilienhausbesitzern und -besitzerinnen bezüglich einer energetischen Sanierung: Eine quantitative Untersuchung in den Kantonen Basel-Stadt und Basel-Landschaft
Sabine Wirthner
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. S. Bruppacher
Histopathological and cytochemical analysis of ingested polyethylene powder in the digestive gland of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.)
Nadia von Moos
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. A. Köhler (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven); Award for the best Master Thesis of the year, SETAC-GLB 2011
Sustainability of malaria vector control, with special consideration to indoor residual spraying
Maiti L. de Himpsl
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. J. Utzinger (Swiss Tropical Institute)
Plastikmüll an den Stränden in Südspanien - wo, wie viel, wie umfangreich, wie sichtbar?
Corina Schmitz
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. S. Bruppacher
Comparison of oxidative stress induction by pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its metabolite tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) on different fish cell lines
Giorgia Crivelli
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. C. Pietsch
Fishing Down the Food Web: Auswirkungen und Regulierungsmöglichkeiten
Daniel Eglin
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. F. Krysiak
Induction of oxidative stress by atrazine and isoproturon (IPU) in different permanent fish cell lines. University of Helsinki
Venla Kontiokari
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. C. Pietsch, Dr. O.-P. Penttinen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Untersuchung zur Fischtoxizität von Sedimenten und Biofilmen
Nadja Häfeli
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, P. Schwartz
Monitoring der Verstädterung im Grossraum Instanbul mit den Methoden der Fernerkundung
Patrick Weber
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. E. Parlow
Health risks related to wastewater reuse in Thailand using quantitative microbial risk assessment.
Aleix Ferrer
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. H. Nguyen-Viet, Dr. J. Zinsstag, Dr. A. Morel (all three Swiss Tropical Institute)
Scenario Analysis of the Swiss Passenger Car Sector from a Sustainability Perspective.
Fanny Frei
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Dr. W. Hoffelner, Prof. Dr. K. Boulouchos (ETH Zürich)
The Impact of Land Use on Biodiversity in the Framework of Life Cycle Assessment.
Clea Henzen
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm, Prof. Dr. Koellner (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)
Temperature and Estrogen Effects on the Physiology of Brown Trout.
Sophia Bloch
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. P. Holm