[Translate to English:] Novartis - behind the scene

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2024, 18 - 20 Uhr

Behind the science - Planetary Health, Novartis Campus

Fische ohne Hämoglobin? Über diese und andere Besonderheiten, die Forschende in die Antarktis zieht, berichtet Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, die bereits viermal mit dem Forschungsschiff Polarstern in der Antarktis war. Sie war dabei, als ein gewaltiger Eisberg abbrach und mit dem Eisbrecher die neu entstandene Meerenge erkundet wurde, half bei der Eisbeobachtung in Schichten rund um die Uhr, und mit der Hilfe von Robben entdeckte sie mit ihren KollegInnen ein riesiges Feld an Eisfisch-Nestern auf dem Meeresboden im Weddell-Meer.

zur Anmeldung more

Future of Sustainable Future Systems

Thursday, 21st march 2024, 14:15 - 16:15 Uhr, Kollegienhaus, Uni Basel

Future of Sustainable Food Systems

Humanity’s use of land for agriculture puts great pressure on the planet’s
biodiversity, carbon sequestration potential, nutrient cycles, and soil and
water health. At the same time, global environmental challenges such as
climate change are already creating negative impacts on current agri-food
production systems and may create heightened challenges for future food
security and access. With a growing global population and increasing
adoption of middle-class consumption patterns, how can agri-food systems
become more sustainable in their impact on the planet’s resources while
meeting human needs? Can we find and scale up win-wins of agri-food
systems that improve our climate mitigation and adaptation potential?

please register more

AWI Swiss Polar Vortrag CL

1st March 2024, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, online

workshop for collaborative research between AWI and SPI

Including a lecture by Clara Leistenschneider, PhD student

All scientists with an interest in polar regions are invited to participate in the event, particularly ECR and researchers with no existing collaborations with AWI based researchers. more

Kultur- und Kongresshaus Aarau, 25. February 2023, 17 h

24. firmm-Treffen - Versatile lectures about firmm and the world of whales and dolphins.

Foundation councilor Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm will give a presentation on the "Encouraging developments in the protection of whales worldwide".

Marine biologist Jörn Selling will be there to report on his experiences.
José Manuel Escobar Casado, biologist and marinero on the firmm VISION for 3 years, will show a selection of his countless videos filmed during the 2022 season.
In August 2020, Rüdiger Böhm and Lars Kyprian had set out from Tarifa with their catamaran as part of the GP Challenge "no legs no limits". They show what they have experienced with an excerpt from their movie and also tell personally.

Katharina Heyer looks back on 25 years of firmm in Tarifa and lets you participate in the highlights of the 2022 season. more

Tierisch neues kino Basel

neues kino Basel - 5 January 2023, 21 h

Kongress der Pinguine

subsequent film discussion with Prof. Patricia Holm

Von Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf, Schweiz 1993, 88 Minuten, Deutsch
Wir begeben uns an einen realen Ort, der zugleich wie der fiktivste Ort auf der Erde erscheint: Die Antarktis. Hier findet der Kongress der Pinguine statt. Die Frackträger tauschen sich über die Ankunft der Menschen in ihrem Habitat aus: Wie jene mit Messinstrumenten Klimaveränderungen untersuchen oder Jagd betreiben. Auf welche Weise soll ein dauerhaftes, gemeinsames Zusammenleben möglich sein? Regisseur Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf nimmt uns in traumähnlichen Sequenzen mit in die Eis­wüste. Die poetischen Texte dazu liefert Franz Hohler.

Vortrag Tinguely Museum

Donnerstag, 1 December 2022, 17.30 h, Tinguely Museum Basel

Mikroplastik im Rhein - Lecture with Prof. Patricia Holm (in german)

Plastic waste and microplastics are seen as a new environmental problem that concerns us all and will concern us even more in the future. Is a miracle material - light, versatile, inexpensive - turning into a curse we can't get rid of?
Because the longer plastic material is in the environment, the smaller and less visible the particles produced during decomposition become, and the greater the risk that it will be ingested by organisms. But: what do we really know about the prevalence of microplastics in our environment, in our waters, and about the effects on plants and animals? Based on her own years of research on microplastics in the Rhine and other ecosystems, Prof. Holm explores these questions and tries to paint a clearer picture of the situation.